Monday, October 1, 2007

homeland security

Humanities 1301 essay # 2 option 2
October 01, 2007


Many European settlers, Tejanos and Mexicans on the Texas frontier, developed a sense of country and honor with firm conviction that their purpose was in defense of Texas at the front line. They felt caught between the United States and the oppressing control Mexico had over them. These brave heroes engaged in a heroic battle that would shape Texas and future generations. Among the 187 courageous defenders, were 13 native Texans, 44 to 45 European Immigrants and 11 Tejanos fighting for Texas‘s liberty.

On march 6, 1936 and after enduring 12 days of unending onslaught of hits, The Alamo lay defeated, and in ruins. According to historians, this final act on the 13th day, took about ninety minutes. There were no survivors. Only the Innocent and blameless were spared by Santa Ana. Women and children and indentured servants were considered blameless.
Many historical events led to the decision of the heroes to stand firm, protecting the line of defense at the Texas frontier. These brave men, led by Colonel William Barrett Travis from South Carolina, Colonel David Crockett from Tennessee, Colonel James Bowie from Kentucky, James Butler Bonham from South Carolina, Almeron Dickinson from Tennessee, and the men under their command, proudly believed in defending the Alamo compound at all costs. They wanted to prevent the hostile take-over from the tyrannical dictator General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana.

Undaunted by the fact that they were significantly out-numbered by Santa Ana’s troops. Unwavering and with great expectation, Their leader, Colonel Travis waited each day for re-enforcements that unfortunately never came.

Historians have written many accounts of what transpired. There was one famous woman among the survivors. The wife of Almeron Dickinson, Susana and her Infant daughter Angelina were given safe passage out of the carnage at the Alamo. Mrs. Dickinson traveled to the town of Gonzales. There she gave an account of the fall of the Alamo to General Sam Houston. This specific account was given by Dr. Winters at the Historical Alamo site in San Antonio, where I had the opportunity to visit. A bibliography: Handbook of Texas, and the movie version The Alamo, directed by John Wayne also re-count this story.

Other stories also correlate with the fact that General Santa Ana sent forth a petition for the defenders. It advised they give up their hold on the Alamo and in return, their lives would be spared. In response, Colonel Travis fired a cannon on Santa Ana’s troops.(Hey, bring it on!)

In comparing the two movies written about the Alamo. The older version directed by John Wayne shows the final battle fought in the daylight and the brave defenders waiting in expectation of the final assault. In the more recent version it happens in the shadow of darkness, although the men still lying in wait. According to Dr winters they were basically ambushed in the dead of night.

In comparing both movies of The Alamo, to the actual events, given by Dr. winters and facts researched, I find the newer version of 2004, truer to form.

In defending the homeland of Texas many courageous men fought a tremendous battle against all odds because they believed in a cause. They are the true defenders of Texas homeland security. They are true dedicated leaders who formed our mighty nation. With all due respect we need to, Remember the Alamo.

Dr. Winders, Curator of The Alamo at San Antonio, Texas
Tour of The Alamo

Bibliography: Steven L. Hardin
Handbook of Texas online, S.V.,
(NOTE: “S.V.” stands for sub verbo, “under the word”.)

The Alamo, DVD, Director, John Wayne
Video, 1960, 2 hours and 42 minutes.

The Alamo, DVD, Director,John Lee Hooker
Video, 2004, 4 hours and 37 minutes

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Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Renovated Leeper House

Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Mitchell lake and company

Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Bird Pond

Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Amphitheatre and Toyota crew

Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Beautiful flowers and butterflies

Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Audubon Society Center

Port of Call, Calling All Birds

Port of Call, Calling All Birds
Mitchell Lake Wetlands
Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.

Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.

The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while..
MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.

In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.

Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.

There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.

When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.
Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.
The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while..
MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.
In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.
Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.
There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.
When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.
Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.
The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while..
MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.
In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.
Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.
There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.
When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.
Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.
The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while..
MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.
In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.
Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.
There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.
When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.
Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.
The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while..
MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.
In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.
Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.
There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.
When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.
Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.
The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while..
MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.
In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.
Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.
There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.
When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

Port of Call, Calling all Birds

I went to visit the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center this weekend. It was a breezy and sunny day. Today, October 27, 2007, is National Public Lands Day. The Toyota company had 150 plus team members volunteering to do brush clearing, mulching , weeding, gardening, excavating and building benches to place at different locations on the trails at this center. Since there was such a huge group out there working, there were not any tours today.

Ms Betty Walters is a fountain of information and a member of the Audubon Society. According to Ms Walters, In the early 1900’s Asa Mitchell, a colonist soldier
and planter, purchased 14,000 acres, including the Mitchell lake acreage, that was later used as a sewage treatment center. This area was later an abandoned sewage lagoon. It was designated as a wildlife refuge for shorebirds and waterfowl.

The Mitchell Lake area was given by San Antonio in 1973 to the Audubon Society. In 1997 San Antonio Water System (SAWS) was formed and Mitchell Lake fell under their ownership. Since the society was unable to afford insurance for the site, they got together with the SAWS and through a grandfather clause, got around this issue. SAWS has a 25 year lease so the society is covered for a while.

MS Walters said that the Leeper House built in 1910 is the original farmhouse of the McNay Art Institute on New Braunfels. It was moved on the Mitchell Lake property in 2003 and the Audubon Society helped with the restoration.

In 2004 SAWS contracted with the National Audubon Society to Manage the site now known as the Mitchell Lake Audubon Center. They manage this site in partnership with SAWS. The entire area of 1,200 acres includes Mitchell Lake, wetlands and ponds. There are 250 oil wells on the property. KB homes has constructed an impressive amphitheatre for classes and water-workshops.

Ms Walters loaned me a pair of binoculars and mapped out a route to take on my self- directed tour. Even with all the work crew in the area, there was an undisturbed quietness to the place. I saw many geese and ducks at the Bird Pond but I was disappointed that they were at a distance and I couldn’t get close up pictures. There was a funny looking contraption in the pond but I failed to ask about it.

There were a lot of different type of butterflies all around me. The vegetation was lush with lots of greenery. At one of the basins I saw what appeared to be a group of ducks perched on a log but when I looked through the binoculars, I saw it was a line of huge turtles with heads weaving in and out of their shells at times.

When I finally reached Mitchell Lake clearing, I saw a long line of huge birds, Geese I think all in a line on a type of pipe in the lake. It did not smell bad, Ms Walters said that the lake smelled sometimes and people mistake it for a sewer smell but she said that it is the blue-green algae. I had a very pleasant and informative afternoon.